10 best substitutes for malt

10 best substitutes for malt

Substituting malt is possible in 10 different ways.

Malt is a natural sweetener alternative to sugar of which, still today it is not used much despite its many properties such as being rich in amino acids and mineral salts. It is a nutritious food which can be used for sweetening cakes and cookies as well as for leavening.

Despite of its many positive aspects, malt, whether it is barley, oat or rice, is often substituted by artificial or natural sugars available on the market and preferred for different reasons, but they put malt in a secondary position in order to make it lose its main role of natural sweetener: maple syrup, agave juice, molasses as well as honey are just some of the alternatives to malt, all different sugars chosen for personal reasons which do not alter recipes.

Hence the need of getting to know better the various types of sweeteners alternative to sugar but above all to malt capable of giving to cakes, cookies or even to a simple coffee that refined sweet taste and definitely very appreciated.

How to replace malt: honey, Agave juice as well as molasses and Stevia
Our cooking offers many alternatives to malt, natural sweeteners to be used in many recipes: cookies, cakes and not only can be prepared without being altered in taste and flavor, in order to guarantee that gluttony that many do not want to renounce to but unfortunately, it is never too good.

10 best substitutes for malt

Apple syrup

Apple syrup is a valid alternative to malt and obviously to sugar, it has many nutritional properties such as containing lots of water and having few fats and proteins. It is a sought-after sweetener thanks to its pleasant sweetish taste. Here is the recipe.

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Panela is a wholemeal sugar having an intense and strong taste but which does not negatively influence the sweet taste of foods, it is one of the most wanted sweeteners thanks to its other nutritive principles.


Stevia is a sweetener extracted from a plant coming from South America, it has a sweetening power higher than 150-300 times of sugar and its main characteristic is to be calorie-free.

Rice syrup

Rice syrup is a valid alternative to malt, its natural principles make it a very appreciated sweetener especially in organic diets. It is also a safe sugar in its raw form as well as in its liquid form.

Manuka honey

Manuka honey is mainly used to cure some illnesses such as flu and cold as it has many beneficial properties and it is often used as a simple natural sweetener replacing malt in some cases.

Grape juice

A classic alternative to malt is grape juice, a popular sweetener that replaces sugar in every recipe without alternating taste and flavor. It has remarkable beneficial properties also thanks to its high content in mineral salts, potassium and magnesium.

Black Molasses

Black molasses is the product of a specific sugar processing and it is a dense and full-bodied liquid and its beneficial properties are numerous despite its very sweet taste.


Honey is the most popular alternative sweetener replacing malt in some processes, such as the preparation of some sweets. It is a natural sweetener and its numerous properties are well known.

Cane sugar

Commonly used and very popular, cane sugar is now part of everyone’s daily life, it is a substitute for malt, in particular when whole grain sugar is chosen, and it can be used in many preparations of our culinary culture.

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Amasake belongs to the most extreme natural cooking, it is an alternative sugar to malt which is extracted by processing rice. Provided with many nutritive principles, it is a sweetener which is very sought after today.

Elly Blunt
Hey, I’m Elly. Let me introduced myself a little bit. I am a foodie who loves trying out new cooking techniques and tools. I addicted to meal preparation kits and tasting different cuisines.