Cooking as a couple is a time to talk and tell each other about the day, a time to create something together. It can be a simple dish or one that requires a more elaborate preparation, the important thing is the shared experience. Taking advantage of even just a free moment to cook a risotto, a second course of fish, an aperitif will be a great excuse to spend more time together.
The benefits of cooking as a couple
Probably in every couple there is a latent cook or an established chef, who already takes care of the stove. Whether there is already a king or queen is not important. The important thing is that, at least once, you have experienced the joy of cooking together. The effects of cooking as a couple are so beneficial that experts consider it as a real therapy (share cooking therapy), able to create perfect moments to find dialogue, understanding and serenity, but also simple fun.
If you can convince your partner to cook together, the important thing is not to make mistakes. Is the kitchen your kingdom? Well, be ready to abdicate it. Abandon all pride, all workaholic and perfectionist attitudes, and make room for each other as well. An example would be to make all utensils accessible without hiding them in drawers, so everyone will feel comfortable, or not to stand behind like a bloodhound to put away everything that is used. Try to accompany your partner in the preparation and choices, creating a relaxed and participatory atmosphere.
Cooking as a couple is suitable for all ages

Whether you are young or old, beginners or enthusiasts, the stove will still stimulate your senses. You can venture into complex recipes or even a simple dish, as it’s not so much the cooking that matters, but the cooking together. It is bringing a dish to life, collaborating with flair and improvisation, that is good for the couple. The search for flavors will make you deepen your knowledge of each other through gluttony, taste and aesthetics, stimulating your imagination and creativity. During the elaboration of the dishes you will get in physical contact with your partner, you will experience softened and carefree emotions, share moments of leisure, and enjoy the satisfaction of a successful dish. Moreover, in the kitchen there is the obligation to communicate, and we do not just mean have you already put salt in the pasta? There are many different forms through which we communicate with each other, and cooking is one of the most creative.
Cooking as a couple means communicating our intentions with gestures, and transmitting emotions with looks. You can tell a whole story after tasting a broth, or from the scent of a tomato. Being carried away and inspired by the fumes of the stove, between smells and flavors brings in the famous combination of food and eros.
Ideas for cooking together
You can indulge yourself with what you like and rework dishes that you already know, or dare recipes never tasted before. Would you like to try fettuccine with bitter cocoa, sage and chili? They are a very special dish but simple to make. If the elements are well balanced (a great exercise for a couple), you will be able to perceive first the hotness of the chili pepper, then the sweetness of the butter, the fresh pasta, the freshness of the sage and, finally, the bitter aftertaste of the cocoa. Have fun also arranging the colors on the plate, the green tuft of sage and the red berry of chili pepper! Or try the risotto with Lambrusco, a simple dish with a beautiful purple color, tasty and at the same time delicate: you will venture to brown an onion until it is as transparent as crystal, you will smell the scent of toasting rice and you will be intoxicated by Lambrusco, finding yourself stirring often, with patience and love.
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